
It doesn't have to be this way

Over on Geddesblog, there is a good discussion going on about the byzantine political boundaries that divide us and confuse our community members. Here's a quote:
The Solvay, Geddes and Fairmount areas seem like a historical, economic and demographic unit, and writing and thinking about them in tandem seems natural. However, just within this small area, we're dealing with at least three municipal governments -- four, if you wander too far up Onondaga Road! We take little notice of these borders as we cross over them multiple times daily to work, shop and play, but although they're invisible, they're there and they affect all development decisions that are made. How can area residents, local businesses and developers best work with these governments and each other to create an overall vision for Syracuse's mature western suburbs?
It doesn't have to be this way. Over in Connecticut, things are much simpler. It would be interesting to see how that translates into community understanding an interest in local politics.

Posted by Jesse

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big problem in some NY areas, such as Oneida County, is that the county and towns duplicate services provided by the cities and villages -- and then tax the residents of the cities and villages for these services even though they are not used. In effect costs are raised in cities and villages to subsidize services to outlying areas. This encourages new development in the outlying areas in the form of urban sprawl . . .which costs more to service because everything is spread out. Then everyone wonders why taxes are so high.