
New York Politics: New Linkage

Here at York Staters, we don't deal much with individual political races, but we understand that especially in an election year, it's worth being at least somewhat informed. So we're adding some new links.

On the sidebar, you'll notice a New York Political Blogs catagory, which is for blogs addressing (you guessed it) New York State politics! There are a lot of political and election-year blogs around (along the lines of "Elect or Get Rid Of [Insert Political Candidates Name Here]") but we'd like to showcase some sources of information focused on statewide politics.

Thus far the links are:

Room Eight is a cooperative weblog about state politics, with BuffaloPundit currently repping upstate as a contributer.

Empire Zone is a New York Times endeavor which is chronicling election year politics in graphic detail. NYCO's comment: "
Welcome to the party, New York Times! We’ve already torn through all the chips and drunk all the beer, but you’re welcome to what we didn’t get to! Looking forward to that expansive I-87 perspective."

ReformNY NYU's Brennan Center for Justice now has a blog about New York State law and policy.

Any questions, comments, additions, subtractions, divisions, submissions or suggestions can be sent to york.staters@gmail.com

Posted by Natalie

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