
Fascism in Parlor City: Don't Believe it?

Editor's Note: We recieved word of this submission from our friend and occasional submittor Wild Turkey Desire. We thought that it would be an interesting change of pace from our usual. Huston's argument is engaging to read and food for thought, and I think that whether you agree with him or not, our communities are greatly benefitted by the presence of independent journalists like himself who are willing to ask unpopular questions and seek out difficult answers. This essay was originally published at Infoshop News and is reprinted with permission. -Jesse

America Today: We are living under a corporate occupation; government by the rich, a fascist social order which uses propaganda to control people minds. And when you get close to describing the mechanisms by which the middle class and the poor are being exploited, describing who really holds the power and how they maintain it, the police are called out, people are arrested, or threatened with arrest, and are harrassed and intimidated in various other ways.

The proof is right here in Binghamton, folks. Wait until you hear this story:

Did you ever see the movie called "The Matrix"? This movie portrays a futurestic world where masses of people act kept alive in fluid-filled containers as fuel cells for a gigantic machine, while brain implants provide computer-generated dreams of freedom. Many people, when faced with the truth, choose the dream, because the reality is too frightening.

Sound a bit familiar? Today, I was escorted out of Binghamton's Rec Park by about eight Binghamton City police officers, as I sought an official from the American Cancer Society to discuss the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" event.

I first approached volunteers working for the Crowley Foods table. They spoke to me with smiles on while I asked them the standard questions, "how long have you sponsored this event?", etc. But as soon as I asked, "have you ever heard that milk causes breast cancer?", they refused consent to be videotaped any longer and asked me to leave.

I then spoke to Sonia, a young photojournalist from WIVT / Newshannel 34. I told her that I would be willing to be interviewed if she wanted another side to the story. She said she did not want to hear the other side, and that I should speak with her news director on Monday, Jim Ehmke. As I tried to tell her my thesis, that this is a fake news event, funded by industry, she replied, "that is a different story".

The local organizer, Gina Chapman, refused to speak with me, phoned Binghamton Police, and had me escorted out of the park. I complied, under protest. I am an independent journalist attending a public event! Why should I be forced to leave?

It's funny about the eight cops. That is also the number of women working in the local media, representing every major media outlet, whom I asked to speak to about how the local media covers breast cancer.. All refused to speak with me, including the Official Spokeswoman of the event, WBNG's Julia Sansom! Doug Mosher from Clear Channel Radio was at the event and also refused to speak to me.

My general background thesis is simple:

  1. Industrial society is toxic, making us physically ill, spiritually lacking and morally depaved.
  2. Our Western medicine has failed to make us healthy, and in fact, profit provides an incentive to keep us sick!
  3. Our media system fails to inform us about the realities of our world, and in fact, our media deliberatly keep us ignorant and confused.
  4. Capitalist profit corrupts everything it touches, medicine, media, industry, the military, banking, education, government.

Specific thesis about breast cancer and local media:

  1. The "Making Strides" event, the American Cancer Society, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" are public relations scams funded by industry in order to keep people ignorant and confused about the actual causes of cancer. (please read Jim Hightower's "Middle of the Road" book, ISBN: 0060929499, for a detailed account)
  2. Women are being told a lie, that "early dectection with mammograms is the best way to fight the disease", yet: Early detection is only effective once someone already has the disease! Breast Cancer is largely a preventable disease, yet prevention is almost never discussed! Prevention which would cost less, and is generally less harmful than the bizarre medical procedures used to treat the disease. Mammograms are not without risk of a) false results and b) actually causing the disease!
  3. Women are being injured and disfigured by bizarre medical procedures (disfiguring surgery, extremely toxic chemo-"therapy", and radiation). Yet local women are complicit in the bizarre medical practices, and the media disinformation campaign.
  4. Local businesses like Crowley Foods, a supplier of dairy products, are major funders of local media and this event, which is curious, because according to my research, dairy is a major contributing factor towards casuing breast cancer. There is sound science behind this assertion: Explore many other links

On Friday and Saturday, my new TV show premiered about breast cancer. It will repeat next week. I outline my thesis in this show. If you are interested, I hope you can watch it. An outline of my thesis is here: http://home.stny.rr.com/bhuston/breast%20cancer%20talk.html

I wish I could offer you some advice of what to do about this. Call Mayor Ryan and the Chief of Binghamton Police and protest my harrassment.

  • Binghamton Mayor Matt Ryan (607) 772-7001
  • Binghamton Chief of Police Steven Tronovitch (607) 772-7090

Call local media and ask them to cover the ALL SIDES of the Breast Cancer "Awareness" story, about causes and prevention. REMEMBER: Broadcasters are obligated by law to serve the public interest. Television station licenses are up for renewal next year.

  • WBNG News Line: (607)729-9575 News director: Greg Catlin, GM: Bob Krummenacker
  • Fox-40 news: (607)798-0070 News director: Suh Neubauer, GM John Leet
  • Newschannel34: (607)771-NEWS (6397) News director: Jim Ehmke, GM: John Birchall
  • WSKG: (607)729-0100 News: Ken Campbell/Crystal Sarakas, GM: Gary Reinbolt
  • Clear Channel Radio: (607)584-5800 News: Dave Lozzi / Doug Mosher, GM: Joanne Aloi
  • Time Warner Cable: 607-644-1293 VP of Public Relations: Dave Whalen
  • Citadel Radio: (607)772-8400 News: Bernie Fionte, GM: Mary Beth Walsh
  • Press and Sun Bulletin: (607) 798-1151 (Newsroom), Executive Editor: Calvin Stovall (607) 798-1186


Bill Huston

607-724-1755bhuston @ stny.rr.com Bio is here: http://home.stny.rr.com/bhuston


  1. For some strange reason, Bill's links to scientific studies don't seem to be coming out, so here they are (I hope this works):





  2. I am sympathetic to your plight, but I wonder if you could have handled it a bit better. Shifting from traditional (read: soft) journalism to questions that take an open mind to accept them requires a little buttering up first. Perhaps if you led with what you concluded with in this post. Ask if prevention is considered in their program, and how it's done. Ask about the toxic effects of current treatments, and how they address it. Then talk about food. Use other, more obviously processed foods in conjunction with what most people think is a "wholesome" drink.

    It's apparent that a statement like "milk causes breast cancer" is a simplifed, sensational exclamation (that may be true). Leading with that guaranteed you being shut out. If you led up to it instead, you could have planted some more traditionally-accepted seeds in the activist's minds.

  3. oops, my bad. I read too fast. You were talking directly to Crowley about this.

    I'd revise my statement by suggesting you talk to the cancer society first. Getting the folks who are first and foremost about cancer research (as opposed to making a buck off of dairy) would have been wiser.

  4. It's definantly worth asking, whether drinking milk can increase your risk for breast cancer. But the big thing isn't really whether how milk is processed from calf to udder to factory to grocer, since most of the research that links milk with breast cancer is saying that it's from the full-fat milks, and goes along with the acknowledged link between animal fat intake and cancer.

    And opposing that is heart disease which is the number one killer of all people over the age of like 16 months, and that folks who drink the higher animal fat milks do better against heart disease. Also, it's a little off making breast cancer such a women's issue, since men get it too, which is pretty much how heart disease is played out- that it's a man's problem.

  5. Milk has a very interesting history, especially in the past 150 years in this country, and particularly New York State. When major centers of grain production moved to the midwest, dairy farming to provide milk for quickly burgeoning cities boomed, aided by both the increase access to markets provided by rail expansion, but also by popular opinion based on scientific and pseudo-scientific ideas that milk was healthy and vital to development, especially of young children.

    It's interesting to think that perhaps popular opinion might begin to swing the other way. The blanket statement "milk is good for you" and "milk is bad for you" may indeed be partially supported by scientific evidence.

    Getting the word out about possible drawback of milk, however, will probably be very difficult in a state that is home to a great deal of dairy production, but in a nation that has long held dear the idea that drinking your milk for healthy bones is gospel.

    And in the end, do the risks truly outweigh the benefits? I hope more studies are undertaken on this issue.

    In the mean time? Everything in moderation.
